Tuition, Fees, and Financial Support

St. Paul’s Lutheran School is operated and maintained by the members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. The combined costs of the building, salaries, materials, equipment, maintenance, utilities, etc., represent a large annual outlay of funds. All members of the congregation whether they have children enrolled in the school or not, are asked to give financial support to the overall programs of the church and school through regular offerings.

Member and non-member school families support the school financially through tuition and other fees. Information regarding tuition and fees is available through the school office. Tuition and fees pay a portion of the cost of operating the school.  Individual fees are assessed to families using the after school care programs, school lunch program, and interscholastic sports program. Fees may also be assessed for band, piano, and string electives.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available for tuition through an Endowment Fund and a St. Paul’s Scholarship Fund. Contact the school office or school principal as early as possible for information and application materials.

There is a currently a scholarship specifically designated for seminary families that have school age children. Applications for scholarships are to be completed by June 15 to be considered for the academic year’s tuition assistance.