St. Paul’s Music Program


Grades 5-8

St. Paul's is pleased to be able to offer unique opportunities for our students to grow as musicians.


5th Grade: Students are required to participate in Band, Choir, or both!

6th-8th Grades: Students have the opportunity to continue participating in these musical activities



School Choir:

  • Rehearses during the "mini-course" period

  • Leads worship with the Intergenerational Choir (adults) according to a schedule published at the beginning of the year, primarily on Sundays

  • Students are given the opportunity to sing with orchestra several times during the year

Schola Cantorum:

  • Meets during the "elective" period

  • Time given to focus on individual vocal development and music theory training

  • Further leadership opportunities occur during the year



Each grade level meets during the same time as that grade's music class

  • Instruments can be rented or purchased in consultation with the band director

  • Fewer scheduled performances are off-set by individual practice requirements

  • This program is offered in conjunction with Lutheran High School South band program

William meisch music scholarship program

Music scholarships are available thanks to William Meisch's generous bequest to St. Paul's

  • Students and families who are willing to fulfill the commitments and requirements of choir and/or band programs are eligible for this exciting opportunity!

For questions about our music program, please contact Kantor Matthew Gerhardt at