5th - 8th Grade Art
Mrs. Lynn McCain, Teacher
Art Class Grade 3
Grade 3 Art begins our studies of the elements of art: line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space. All of our art projects will incorporate these elements in creative ways. Three to four projects will arrive home each month since we have class once a week for an hour. I would like you to keep these works of art. In January, you may be asked to return one for the art fair. Your student has art class from 1:00 to 2:00 each Tuesday. Please feel free to drop in and assist any time! You can view our class lessons and artwork at Google Classroom for Art. Please ask Mrs. McCain for the password.
Art Class Grade 4
Grade 4 Art begins our studies of the principles of design (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity, scale, variety, and focal point) and reviewing the elements of art (line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space). All of our art projects will incorporate these concepts in creative ways. Three to four projects will arrive home each month since we have class once a week for an hour. I would like you to keep these works of art. In January, you may be asked to return one for the art fair. Your student has art class from 1:00-2:00 each Friday. Please feel free to drop in and assist any time! You can view our class lessons and artwork at Google Classroom for Art. Please ask Mrs. McCain for the password.
Art Classes for Grades 5-8
Grade 5-8 Art classes will experience construction sites, going along with our "God at Work" theme this school year. During Quarter 1 students will study pop artists and rotate through stations to complete all six projects. As artwork is completed, it will be displayed on a class bulletin board in the North Campus hallway. Last spring students gave input as to art they are excited to try. You’ll be seeing those suggestions throughout this academic year. You are always invited to come to visit and watch students at work in the art room, which is now located in the old library.
All artwork will be uploaded to your child’s Google Classroom account for your viewing at the completion of each project. Projects will be sent home after displaying on the on grade level bulletin board or in the display case. PLEASE keep all artwork at home. In January, you may be asked to bring it back to school for consideration in the Art Fair.
To view your child’s art you must use their Art Google Classroom password. Please contact Mrs. McCain for that password.
Grade 5 Art
In grade 5 we use the elements of art (line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space). Look for these art concepts as students show their pop art as they progress through six “construction sites” in our "God at Work" art room.
Grade 6 Art
In grade 6 we master the elements of art and continue to learn about the principles of design (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity, scale, variety, and focal point), and perspective. Look for these art concepts as sixth graders show their pop art as they progress through six “construction sites” in our "God at Work" art room.
Grade 7 Art
Throughout the year seventh graders will display their compositions in the north campus hallway demonstrating their studies of elements of art (line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space), principles of design (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity, scale, variety, and focal point), and perspective. Enjoy seeing their variety of works as they progress through six “construction sites” in our "God at Work" art room.
Grade 8 Art
Throughout the year eighth graders will display their compositions in the north campus hallway to demonstrate their studies of elements of art (line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space), principles of design (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity, scale, variety, and focal point), and perspective. New concepts in composition will include framing, leading lines, merging elements, negative spaces, and rule of thirds. Enjoy seeing their variety of works as they progress through six “construction sites” in our "God at Work" art room.